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Inktober 2021 - Week 1

(Day 1: Crystal)

(Day 1: Crystal)

(Day 2: Suit) Dress in your Sunday Best

(Day 2: Suit) Dress in your Sunday Best

(Day 3: Vessel)

(Day 3: Vessel)

(Day 4: Knot) Patterns in the Ivy, Knots in the Steel

(Day 4: Knot) Patterns in the Ivy, Knots in the Steel

(Day 5: Raven) "A Hunter Must Hunt."

(Day 5: Raven) "A Hunter Must Hunt."

(Day 6: Spirit)

(Day 6: Spirit)

(Day 7: Fan) Fan the Flames!

(Day 7: Fan) Fan the Flames!

Here is my collection of inked artwork from the first week of Inktober 2021. I'm feeling extra spooky with this year's prompts, and I am really enjoying getting to work with ink again every day. 🎃